
All Brown’s motorcycle courses are endorsed by and follow the standards of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.

The Newest in Motorcycle training

Brown’s offers the Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s newest “Level 2” training in all classes. In the BRC course Level 2 does REQUIRE that you complete an online eCourse through MSF. The eCourse NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED in order to receive your course completion card and receive your motorcycle “L” endorsement (the motorcycle endorsement was formerly “M” and has been changed to “L”). The eCourse will take approximately 5 hours.  Brown’s will pay for the course (a $19.99 value). After you have enrolled in your class you will receive an email with a payment code and a link to the MSF website. Simply enter the code, complete the eCourse and print your passing certificate. Please bring the certificate with you to class.

Great News ! Avoid Service Oklahoma 

Once you have passed the Basic Rider Course you can now take your Driver License, yourMSF Completion Card, and your eCourse Completion Certificate  to any Tag Agency and get the motorcycle endorsement “L” added to your license.  Skip the trip to Service Oklahoma!


When taking one of our motorcycle courses and after receiving a completion certificate from Brown’s, the state written and road exam for motorcycles will be waived at the Service Oklahoma (DPS).  Students who have no Driver’s License will be required to pass the vehicle written test (Permit Test). Information is available in class and on the link below for students without a Learner’s Permit or Driver’s License.

Important: Students under the age of 18 who have no Driver’s License need to meet certain Service Oklahoma requirements when going to take the written vehicle test.  Click here for the details.


All motorcycle students are required to provide the attending Rider Coach with an emergency phone number which can be called in the event of an emergency.  The phone number cannot be the student’s phone number, must be the number of an individual whom the student trusts, and who can come to the class location to assist with the transport of the student if needed.  While seldom the case, it is possible that a student may become ill or injured and unable to function without assistance; therefore the emergency contact is essential.

Class Attendance Information

Please be respectful and attend on the date you have selected.

If you are a no-show for your class, your $290 registration feel is not refundable. If you choose to register for another class a $290 registration fee will apply. If you are late for class, you will be considered a “No Show”, will not be admitted to the class and must re-enroll for another class (re-enrollment  fee of $290 will apply).  Any student who does not successfully complete the class for any reason will be required to retake the class (re-enrollment  fee of $290 will apply).  If you call to reschedule or cancel your class without 48 hours notice, you will be considered a no show and a $290 rescheduling fee will apply.  Rescheduling fees are due at the time rescheduling is done, and any rescheduling must be done by phone through the Brown’s office.


Our Rider Coaches are committed to your successful completion of the Basic Rider course.  They are also committed to your safety as well as the safety of all class participants.  When a student is unable to safely handle his motorcycle the Rider Coach must counsel that student out of the class.  Safety comes first.  Displaying a lack of dexterity, a poor attitude, inability or unwillingness to follow directions, illness, etc. can necessitate a student’s removal from class.  The Rider Coach’s decision is final.  Brown’s reserves the right to refuse to allow a student who has been counseled out of class to re-register.

Important Law for Those Under Age 18

Anyone 17 years of age or younger MUST complete a  Motorcycle Safety Foundation course before adding the “L” endorsement (the motorcycle endorsement was formerly “M” and has been changed to “L”), or to receive a motorcycle only license.  Any person age 17 or younger no longer has the option to take the written and riding test with a Service Oklahoma examiner.  Brown’s is the place to go to receive this state mandated training.


If you are under the age of 18, your parent or legal guardian must be present at the beginning of the first day of class to sign necessary documents. If that is not possible, call the Brown’s office for directions on how to get the documents signed in advance of class.  This must be done in order to attend class

Basic rider course (BRC): $290

Our Basic Rider Course is designed for the beginning rider or the rider who has been away from riding for a period of time. This course will waive the state written and road exam portions of the Oklahoma requirements for the motorcycle endorsement “L” (the motorcycle endorsement was formerly “M” and has been changed to “L”).  Students who have no Learner’s Permit or Driver’s License will be required to pass the vehicle written test at DPS.

What’s included

Students can take this course if they are 14 years of age or older.


This course requires completion of an online eCourse which is 5 hours long and 11 hours on the range. The 11 hours of range time are split between 2 days. Classes will be held, even if it rains.


Motorcycles are provided. All bikes are in excellent condition.


The fee of $290 is non-refundable and is good for 2025 only.

Our Motorcycle Training is held in

Midwest City 

Heritage Park Mall (east end)
6707 E. Reno Avenue
Midwest City, OK 73110

Call us: (405) 376-6464