Once you have passed the Basic Rider Course you can now take your Driver License, yourMSF Completion Card, and your eCourse Completion Certificate to any Tag Agency and get the motorcycle endorsement “L” added to your license. Skip the trip to Service Oklahoma!
When taking one of our motorcycle courses and after receiving a completion certificate from Brown’s, the state written and road exam for motorcycles will be waived at the Service Oklahoma (DPS). Students who have no Driver’s License will be required to pass the vehicle written test (Permit Test). Information is available in class and on the link below for students without a Learner’s Permit or Driver’s License.
Important: Students under the age of 18 who have no Driver’s License need to meet certain Service Oklahoma requirements when going to take the written vehicle test. Click here for the details.
All motorcycle students are required to provide the attending Rider Coach with an emergency phone number which can be called in the event of an emergency. The phone number cannot be the student’s phone number, must be the number of an individual whom the student trusts, and who can come to the class location to assist with the transport of the student if needed. While seldom the case, it is possible that a student may become ill or injured and unable to function without assistance; therefore the emergency contact is essential.